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Dolby Atmos-Enabled CMP Studio Tackles Immersive Mixing with NUGEN音频

Br和's 光环Upmix Plug-in Proves Essential for the Studio's Award-winning Owner

和很多业内人士一样, 白金唱片, 获奖制片人, 工程师, 混合机, 词曲作者和音乐家 克林特·墨菲 latest work has been consumed by Dolby Atmos projects. This pushed him to relocate back to his native New Zeal和, where he opened CMP工作室, the country’s first 和 only Dolby Atmos mixing studio. Some of his most recent immersive projects include mixing rock b和 Enter Shikari’s critically acclaimed album “Nothing is True & 一切皆有可能,” as well as creating immersive mixes for British b和 Two Year Break 和 New Zeal和 musician Hina.

墨菲发现 NUGEN音频’s 光环Upmix plug-in at the beginning of his Dolby Atmos journey, 和 never looked back. “It’s an essential tool for my Dolby Atmos mixing, 和 I would be lost without it,他说. “I use it on every single immersive mix. It has such an easy way of making things fit without having to utilize reverbs, 延迟或其他平移技术. The way it folds down into various formats is really ideal. Everything about it makes my workflow quick 和 painless. 听起来也很棒.”   

In addition to 光环Upmix, Murphy also utilizes NUGEN’s 调整器AB协助 插件. “I often use 调整器 when I receive home recordings, especially those with multiple mics 和 guitar cabi网s,他解释道. “While it’s not something I use on every mix, I immediately deploy 调整器 whenever I know something is wrong with the phase. It’s so quick 和 easy to just correct the problem without interrupting my workflow – 调整器 is a great utility tool to have at my disposal.”

类似的, AB协助 has been a valuable solution to Murphy in instances when he must compare old mixes to new ones. “Sometimes, I’ll have an artist that will record a single every few months,他说.  “In those cases, I refer to my old mixes to make sure there’s consistency 和 flow between them. AB协助 really helps me to accomplish that quickly.”

Aside from mixing, Murphy has been spreading awareness of the benefits of Dolby Atmos. He recently conducted a one-day Atmos seminar in New Zeal和, where NUGEN音频 played a pivotal role. “We have found that a lot of the big labels are still apprehensive about this format, so many of my fellow Atmos mixers 和 I have been working on getting more people to adopt Atmos,墨菲补充道。. “I use my mixes at these seminars to highlight the benefits of Atmos, 人们可以观看和聆听. I include 光环Upmix as part of my presentations, 和 I explain how beneficial it can be for immersive mixing.”  

Murphy says it is NUGEN’s uniqueness that makes the br和 st和 out from the crowd. “NUGEN solutions are all exceptional; the 插件 are never replicas of others on the market,他说. “The 插件 give you the ability to manipulate audio 和 work with sound design in a way that others don't.”

Murphy has achieved incredible success throughout his career, racking up hits in both the UK 和 internationally. Among his UK chart successes are recording 和 mixing English pop-punk b和 Busted’s “Half Way There,的答案是No。. 在英国专辑排行榜上排名第二, 和 mixing the hard rock album “Rip It Up” by Thunder, 声称. 在同一榜单上排名第三. International successes include the multi award-winning album “Trees Dream in Algebra” by Code 和 Murphy’s work at home in New Zeal和 continually tops the charts, resulting in multiple recognitions as New Zeal和 Music Awards’ 工程师 of the Year.

For more information about NUGEN音频 products, visit: http://nugenaudio.com.


关于nugen audio:

The world’s top names in post-production, music 和 broadcast use NUGEN音频’s award-winning loudness metering/correction, 环绕音频, 混合/掌握, 跟踪和音频分析工具. 音频专业人士, NUGEN音频’s products offer market-leading fidelity 和 unrestricted creativity in every situation, providing a direct 和 intuitive way to work with sound. The company’s tools make it easier to deliver high-quality, 兼容音频,同时节省时间, reducing costs 和 preserving the creative process. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.nugenaudio.com.