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NAB 2019: Phenix Talks Low Latency Solutions for the Oscars and Online Betting


1月时: 我是NAB展示厅的简·奥泽,我是凤凰科技公司的凯尔·班克. 你好吗,凯尔?

凯尔银行: 我很好.

1月时: So tell me what you're showing here at the show.

凯尔银行: 因此,Phenix专注于实时视频流,其终端时间延迟小于500毫秒或半秒. 这是从我们捕捉第一帧到最终用户设备上播放的整个过程. We do so based on our implementation of WebRTC technology, and we've essentially re-written the entire WebRTC stack from the ground up, 从UDP级别开始, 并在现成的WebRTC的基础上构建了一些专有功能, 比如多比特率实时转码, 用于ABR交付. 因此,我们可以根据客户端的可用带宽抖动和其他网络情况来调整带宽, as well as synchronize across the whole audience, so...

1月时: 这是你的摊位吗? Or is the booth of a customer, or what are we seeing here?

凯尔银行: 因此,今年我们将与我们的一位客户和亲密合作伙伴共用一个展位, Ex Machina集团. And they've built a white-label trivia solution, 基于我们的实时流媒体技术和他们的互动琐事和Q&轮询技术.

1月时: So what are some public uses of your technology or their technology? And tell us why low latency was so important.

凯尔银行: 因此,我们今天支持的一些关键用例是交互式体育博彩应用程序, 在实时拍卖中,人们面对面地对观看直播的在线竞价者进行竞价. As well as webinar platforms, trying to think of what else.

1月时: 有哪些更性感的应用? 你提到了一些颁奖典礼,或者...?

凯尔银行: Yeah, 所以我们今年与奥斯卡合作,直播明星们相互互动的幕后镜头. 还有一个Q&A of who was wearing what shoes going down the red carpet, 谁会赢得下一届奥斯卡, 谁会赢得年度最佳影片. So that was a really fun project to work on.

1月时: 你去了吗?

凯尔银行: 不幸的是我没能去,我们的首席产品官比尔·维森在现场. We had our hardware encoder deployed there, and we're delivering real-time streaming to a web-based application.

1月时: So what's the core product we buy from you?

凯尔银行: The core product is, it's an end-to-end solution. 从贡献编码到最终用户设备上的播放, 我们可以在哪里进行实时转码, and deliver to hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers across the globe.

1月时: That includes the encoder, what about the player? Can I use my own player or you have a player, or how's that work?

凯尔银行: Yeah, it's an HTML5 video player, that is fully customizable. 有些用户会使用我们内置在播放器中的现成控制, others want to really customize that and brand it for their own use cases. So we try to be flexible on the player front.

1月时: Okay. So tell us some of the details of your encode. You're doing, obviously a complete encoding ladder. 你做HEVC了吗? 还是都是H.264? 你在看什么?

凯尔银行: 今天我们做H.264和VP8,这是目前浏览器中WebRTC支持的两种主要编解码器. HEVC, 当然在路线图上, and we can implement codecs like that in native code environments for, 你知道, native iOS and Android SDKs and things like that, 但是我们很期待, 你知道, 与浏览器紧密配合, 你知道, 公司, 你知道, 改进他们的WebRTC堆栈, and also implement these new codecs for things like 4K streaming.

1月时: 你用的是固定梯子吗? Or, 你知道, tell me about your encoding ladder. What's the 1080, is it 1080p down to what, and what bitrates are you using?

凯尔银行: Sure we go up to 1080p60 at about five-and-a-half megabits per second, all the way down to I believe 144p at 80kbps, 所以这是一个很满的梯子, and we have some customers where quality is everything, 他们想要维持, 1080p,每秒几兆比特, 还有一些是在带宽受限的环境中,他们可能会发布低清晰度的流. So we kind of run the gamut on use cases when it comes to...

1月时: 你认为低延迟是增长吗? 我的意思是谁是最大的市场? You talked about auctioning but probably the biggest trend, 正如你所指出的, 在整个NAB中是低延迟的. 谁会在乎这些,为什么?

凯尔银行: 关心这一点的人才会在OTT领域取得胜利. If you have multiple OTT providers providing the same feed of the same event, 但是你可以在其他地方看到它之前30秒看到它, 不管那是现场新闻, 现场直播的体育, 或者正在报道的现场活动. 我们强烈地认为,低延迟的解决方案具有合理的质量和合理的价格, which is what our goal to offer to our customers, it's going to provide a competitive advantage in this marketplace.

1月时: 好的,关于WebRTC和我们经常看到的新的低延迟CMAF有什么想法吗?

凯尔银行: Yeah, 我认为CMAF当然有它的地位, and we're very familiar with that and the players involved in developing CMAF. But for our focus of delivering a stream in half a second or less, 你知道, CMAF is going to be good for applications that need 你知道, 2-4秒的延迟, and can get to that low-latency environment. 而是为了真正的实时交互, 并使这些体育博彩公司能够将投注窗口一直延长到老虎伍兹推杆的最后一秒, 或者你知道, 勒布朗·詹姆斯投中三分, 我们将在不牺牲质量的前提下,尽可能地为用户提供最低的延迟,从而实现收益最大化.

1月时: 那么WebRTC的可扩展性呢?

凯尔银行: That's a big challenge, but we've built out a global network. 今天我们有20分的优势. 到2019年底,这一数字将达到30. 今天我们有两个基础设施合作伙伴, we operate in elastic cloud compute environments, and we're working on partnerships with several other cloud providers, 以及CDN提供商在他们的环境中启动我们的软件,以进一步提高我们的可扩展性, 但今天我们正在努力, we're doing daily events of upwards of 200,000名观众同时观看,而我们只有200名,000 viewers joining over the course of 2 or 3 minutes. 所以我们必须花很多时间来设计如何最大化我们的连接率. So not only how do you handle that large audience, but when they hit your server all at the same time, 我们如何处理高峰负荷.

1月时: What can you tell me about, do you price it on a per user? If I was thinking about your solution, what would I think about pricing?

凯尔银行: 我们的定价模式是基于观众的分钟数,所以如果你有100名观众观看10分钟, 就是1,000观众分钟. We try to really align with our customers' revenue models, and, 你知道, we also want to enable the highest possible quality, 所以我们有一个分层结构, 流式传输的分钟数越高, the more cost-effective that becomes per minute. But it's not necessarily dependent on the bitrate that you're publishing. We try to come up with a price that's fair for the customer and fair for us, 这让他们能够随着时间的推移而增长,所以随着比特率的提高和质量的提高,他们不需要年复一年地与我们重新谈判合同. 这就是为什么我们选择采用每观看者一分钟的模式,而不是每gb的模式, 更传统的CDN模式.

1月时: 好吧,那是什么网站?

凯尔银行: 我们的网址是 phenixrts.com. P-H-E-N-I-X-R-T-S.com. 代表凤凰实时解决方案.

1月时: 听着,谢谢你今天抽出时间. 有趣的东西.

凯尔银行: 非常感谢,谢谢.



流媒体平台产生了今年奥斯卡最佳影片提名的八项中的三项. Those who use AI to leverage data will be back again in the future.

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NAB 2019: Telestream Talks Cloud Transcoding and Hybrid Workflows

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NAB 2019: LiveU Explains What 5G Will Mean for the Future of Cellular Bonding

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NAB 2019: Twitch Talks VP9, AV1 and its Five-Year Encoding Roadmap

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NAB 2019: NGCodec Talks Hardware-Based High-Quality Live Video Encoding

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NAB 2019:编码.com Talks About its 2019 Global Media Format Report

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NAB 2019: NETINT谈高密度H.265编码

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NAB 2019: NPAW Talks Analytics and Quality of Engagement

At NAB, NPAW showed off its new smart ads service, 它不仅衡量广告是否被投放,还关注其流媒体质量以及它如何影响整体观众参与度.

NAB 2019: Epic Labs Talks LightFlow Per-Title Encoding

Epic Labs首次推出LightFlow,这是今年NAB上最令人兴奋的服务之一. LightFlow结合了按标题编码和网络建模,以及按设备类型编码. 在视频采访中,Epic Labs创始人兼首席执行官Alfonso Peletier解释了其带来的好处.
